Step-by-Step Process

We understand that this is an incredibly difficult decision. Choosing another family to raise your child is not easy, but please know—this makes you an extraordinary mother.

Adoption is one of the most selfless choices you can make. If you felt confident that you could provide everything you wanted for your child, you wouldn’t be reading this.

As the birthmother, you will always be the one who gave your child their first four gifts:

  • Life

  • Love

  • A Name

  • Parents

These gifts are the most important your child will ever receive.

Because of your strength, courage, and selflessness, your child will have everything they need for a wonderful life. With open adoption, you won’t have to say goodbye—you’ll remain a part of your child’s life.

Remember, adoption is a process that moves at your pace, one step at a time. You are not alone—we’ll be with you every step of the way.

  • Just by being here you've already started your journey. You're researching & gathering information. You will find more peace & assurance the more you understand your options. Adoption is one of them!

  • What do you want your future to look like? Can you envision yourself being a parents as you continue on with your life? Do you have support in place to help with your child? These are only a few of the questions that you should be asking yourself as you consider adoption.

  • When you're ready... reach out to us. You can text us at (587) 596-5380 if that's easier then calling for you. When you reach out to us it DOES NOT mean that you have decided to adopt - it just means you're looking for more information. We will meet however it's most comfortable for you. Whether it's in person, texting, emailing or a phone call.

  • We will meet with you at a location that is comfortable. You will begin to design the life you dream of for your child. Again - at this point you're not committed to adoption - you're simply seeing what could be. You will look through profiles of our hopeful waiting families and get to know their lifestyles & values. You begin to work on your personalized adoption plan.

  • When you are ready to move forward you can contact us or fill out the form. We are very happy to meet with you in person to help you with it!

  • Hopeful adoptive families create profiles of their lives for viewing. They go through an extensive screening process by our agency. These profiles have personal photos and information on each family for you to get to know them. This will help you to design the future that you dream of for your child. You have as much time as you need to pick the right family when you feel ready.

  • This a very special opportunity! You have the chance to meet the family that you choose. Open adoption ensures you're able to maintain your connection with your child if that's your wish!

  • We can work with you to help plan the delivery for your baby. We can help connect you with a medical doctor, a doula or a midwife.

  • After your adoption is completed we would love to support you. We offer free counselling services and will help connect you to resources & groups to meet your emotional needs, goals and future plans.