We are here to help you discover what's best for you and your baby.

Alberta Pregnancy Counselling

What Are my Options?

Is this the right time to be a Mom? Do you need to explore other possibilities for this child?

Small Miracles Adoption can help. We offer free pregnancy option counselling.

We hope you will trust Small Miracles Adoption to provide confidential, non-judgmental help so you can carefully consider your choices. We will have open and sincere discussions about abortion, adoption, and parenting options. Our counsellors will work with you during this stressful and confusing time.

We will travel to you if you do not live in Edmonton. Explore ALL of your options knowing that anything you share is in strict confidence.

There is never any cost to you; Birthparents and their families receive adoption counselling for free. Should you choose to make an adoption plan, adoption support and counselling will be provided. Small Miracles Adoption practices a very personal style of adoption; it is all about you!

Let us help you with YOUR Small Miracle!

There is no "Easy" with an unplanned pregnancy. We are here to help you understand your options and what choices may be best for you. We care about you. Don't worry if you do not have transportation; we will come to you and there is no cost to you. We offer FREE pregnancy option counselling services anywhere in Alberta.