Welcome to A Small Miracle Adoption

Hello and welcome to our online home! Our goal with this blog & resource space, is to create a place of connection, safety, support and inspiration for both our adopting families and our biological parents. Here you will find different posts from people of all walks of life with one thing in common - we've been touched by adoption in some way! We hope that you will be encouraged and maybe even challenged by some of the content you find here. We also would LOVE to hear from YOU! Please feel free to comment on posts that you connect with - and if you have a story of your own you'd like to share - don't hesitate to let us know!
Thanks for walking with us!
The Small Miracles Adoption Family



Alberta adoption


It’s November! We love this month. We love how how the number of adoption posts explode! 


This month, we really want to focus on honouring those who has been touched by adoption. There are so many beautiful stories throughout the adoption spectrum. Maybe you where adopted as an adult and now have the gift of a new family tree.  Perhaps you are a birth parent who selflessly chose a different life for your child, or it is possible that you are learning how do raise a child who found life outside your womb! You could be someone whose life was blessed with a loving step parent or, a step parent who was awarded the new title of “Mom” or “Dad”! Whoever you are, whatever your story is – we CELEBRATE your life, your journey and your adoption story.


Typically, we see posts that bring joy, excitement and the hope that adoption brings to families. We rejoice with you!However, we also want to take a moment and recognize that adoption can be a sober experience. For every child that is placed with a new family, there is a selfless, brave woman leaving the hospital with empty arms. There is a mother in pain who knew that she could not continue parenting and selflessly selected another family able to provide her child with a life that she dreamed of for them. There are real, genuine sacrifices being made and we see how hard it is. To all of the mothers who seek out the best possible lives for their children… WE SEE YOU.


Adopting parents also experience heartbreak.  Often their pain is seeing and understanding your pain. WE SEE YOU. Sometimes, we have to walk through these difficult events before we can experience the true, deep and fulfilling love and redemption that comes through adoption. Adoption is real and it’s a difficult but rewarding journey that should never be romanticized.  In this blog, and in our approach, you can count on us to always be honest and share authentic experiences with you. Unless you have undertaken your own adoption journey, it is hard to describe what it means, or more importantly, how if feels. There are things you can only understand and relate to if you’ve walked this path. We understand how life-giving, life changing and truly beautiful it is. We have a responsibility and the privilege as advocates for adoption and as people who have experienced the blessing of adoption to share what a gift, it is to those around us who may not yet understand. Please trust us to assume full responsibility that being advocates for adoption demands.  There are some really wonderful and practical ways that you can help to raise awareness of adoption this month!  


1) You can share a story online (social media)
2) Send a brief message promoting adoption (Twitter, FB, Instagram, Snapchat etc .. .the list goes on)
3) Read a story (book) about adoption
4) Support your local adoption agency/volunteer
5) Watch a movie about adoption (let us know what you watched and we will create a list for others)
6) Use positive adoption language (such as 'made an adoption plan for her child' instead of 'gave up her kid')
7) Share photos of your adoption journey with us/others (as appropriate)
8) Support us by offering to help spread the word of our work
9) Write us a letter (email etc)letting us know you appreciate the work of your social worker
10) Create an adoption journey book with positive messages
11) Spend time celebrating your child's heritage making things, cooking ethnic foods, drawing, visiting etc
12) Honour your birth parents, their journey and your child's journey

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