Before reading more information regarding open adoption - check out what Jeff & Raelyn had to say about open adoption. A recent couple who went through Small Miracles domestic adoption program.
"Hello perspective parents! We wanted to write something to you about open adoption. When we first decided to grow our family via adoption - the idea of open terrified us! (just being honest)! We went to the seminar afraid and sure that we would be saying no to any sort of open adoption with the "tummy mummy" of our future baby. The seminar changed everything for us, and we began to understand that our fears around open adoption were out of ignorance. As time went on we decided as a couple that we needed to think outside of ourselves and our own insecurities. We realized that adoption is a different road then a biological baby. It's not meant to replace having a biological baby, but rather its own beautiful journey. SMA helped us to see that open adoption is about what's best for the child. As a couple, we decided that was what we wanted! Not all situations can be open like ours will be, sometimes open adoption can only be the exchange of medical information and a brief meeting. In our case, before we were matched we began to long for the opportunity to have an open relationship with our "tummy mummy". We wanted to be able to share with our child where he came from, his culture & the love his tummy mummy had choosing another life for him. (SUCH a huge shift in thinking from when we started!) There's so much more to say about this - but my best advice to you would be to push back any hesitations you may have and attend the seminar - it really will help you to have clear eyes! It's a very moving experience and sheds fear, teaching the truth of open adoption" - J&R