Domestic Adoption
“Many Alberta families choose to grow their families through our domestic adoption program. Although we mainly work with pregnant women, most often we are placing newborn children; there are times we are contacted by parents of older children. We are a boutique agency who lovingly facilitates the growth of families through adoption.”

Domestic Adoption Menu

Domestic Overview    |    Cost    |    Timeline    |    Why Choose us

domestic adoption overview


Considering Adopting a Child in Alberta?

If you are a couple looking to adopt a child in Alberta you will participate in “The Alberta Domestic Adoption Program”.

“Domestic” adoption refers to adoptions where:

- You live in Alberta and want to adopt a child in this province.
- Domestic private adoption is where you engage services with us, a licenced private not-for-profit adoption agency, to adopt a child.
- Once you become an approved adoptive parent, we hope to match you with a birthfamily and will assist you through the entire adoption process.
- The process includes us providing support to you and the birthfamily, completing and filing your adoption application with the Court of Queen’s Bench.
- The process is regulated under the Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act and Adoption Regulation

Becoming Comfortable with the Adoption Process

In most situations, adoption is not a couple’s first choice as a means of growing their family, and is it not the first choice for most women who find themselves unexpectedly pregnant. The best way to start down this path is to gather as much information as possible and to talk about the process with your partner, your family and trusted friends. At Small Miracles Adoption, we can help provide you with answers to your questions, and offer supportive counselling..

Where Do The Babies Come From?

Babies still arrive in the same manner as they always have. 🙂 Children become available for adoption for any variety of reasons: Generally, a pregnant individual or a couple make the important decision: "what is best for their child. This is a particularly difficult decision, one that is usually grounded in an understanding they have a genuine desire to see that the child has advantages and opportunities that they cannot provide. Making an adoption plan is a very selfless and courageous decision. When a pregnant women contacts us to help explore, and complete, an adoption plan we treat them with the utmost of respect they deserve! There is no judgement – ever! We believe that placing a baby or child for Adoption is the “Ultimate Expression of a Committed Heart”. Unfortunately, less than 100 children are placed each year through the Domestic Adoption Program in all Alberta.

Sexual Orientation

Small Miracles Adoption welcomes same-gender or alternative-gender couples to explore adoption as a means of adding to or completing their families. In many instances, pregnant couples or individuals either prefer or specify alternative-style relationships.

Marital Status

As a couple, you do not have to be married to adopt but you do have to be together for at least twenty-four months and have lived together for twenty-four months. Naturally, the strength and longevity of your relationship is an important factor in determining any couple’s suitability to parent.