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domestic adoption cost

Alberta Domestic Adoption Cost

All adoption agencies are licensed by the Alberta Government and are not-for-profit companies staffed mainly by Registered Social Workers and people who have a passion for Adoption. We do not receive any government funding. The costs associated with the Adoption Program are all born by the adopting family. There is never any cost to the biological parents. The adopting couple are invoiced on a fee-for-service basis, over time, as they progress through the various stages, and approvals, culminating with the filing of the necessary documents to the Alberta Courts, Court of Queen’s Bench. The fees also include a one-time payment that is set aside for post - placement counselling for the biological parents (and/or their family members) after the adoption placement. The average cost of a Domestic Adoption is $17, 000 -$19,000. This variation is due to the inability to estimate travel costs incurred by the Adoption Social Worker when working with the birth parents and the adoption placement.

Other costs we are unable to provide until we are invoiced by other professionals include: lawyers fee (for the adoption consent), physician’s fee (for completing a medical on the child), pre-adoption counselling with you and the birthmother by the Adoption Social Worker (this also involves travel costs), calls to the hospital to speak with the medical team and other community professionals.